Investigazzjonijiet Personali

Personali u Matrimonjali/Qerq tal-Konjuġi Investigazzjonijiet Privati/Investigaturi/detektifs Fl-Eġittu: We realize that contacting[Continue Reading]

Kodiċi ta' Etika

The employees of EPI International "Egypt Private Investigator International" have joined together in agreement that all work and[Continue Reading]

Programm tal-Għassa tat-Trademarks

Trademark and Customs Watch Program (TWP) EPI International provides Unique Services to protect your Trademark from fraud and[Continue Reading]


Divorce In Egypt The increasing numbers of the divorce rate in Egypt between Egyptians and Non-Egyptian spouses has reached and[Continue Reading]

Profil tal-Persunal

EPI's team members are highly qualified and experienced Lawyers, ex-police detectives and police officers with 20 years of[Continue Reading]

Privatezza & Kunfidenzjalità

EPI International jifhem li inti bħala klijent tad-ditta tagħna jista 'jkollhom tħassib dwar il-privatezza, kunfidenzjalità, and security of[Continue Reading]

Frodi taż-Żwieġ

Frodi taż-Żwieġ Fl-Eġittu : Iż-żwieġ jittraxxendi r-reliġjon, lingwa, kultura u età, f'xi każijiet, anke sess. Għalkemm matrimonjali … [Continue Reading]

Lokalizzazzjoni u Traċċar

EPI International għandu l-abbiltà li jsib individwi li sparixxew jew inkella ma jistgħux jinstabu. L-investigazzjoni tagħna … [Continue Reading]


Because we keep the client's requirements and satisfaction our first priority. We are able to do this by maintaining a[Continue Reading]

Investigazzjonijiet ta' Assigurazzjoni

Insurance fraud investigation is an investigation conducted to determine whether or not insurance fraud is taking place. Over[Continue Reading]

EPI International tassisti lill-klijenti distinti tagħha b'servizzi professjonali ta 'kwalità għolja li jipprovdu servizzi ta' informazzjoni u intelligence lill-kumpaniji, aġenziji, individwi u intrapriżi kummerċjali. L-EPI international jipprovdi soluzzjonijiet ta' screening fl-isfond u ġestjoni tar-riskju li jipproteġuk u jikkontrollaw il-frodi. We provide general investigation services, Insurance Investigation services, IPR Investigation services and background checks all over Egypt. EPI also provides various Legal Services concerning the above services.

EPI succeeded over the past few years in gaining the trust of international Insurance companies around the globe and big industrial enterprises such as CASIO, JOHN WALKER, and thousands of other clients who used our services from all over the world.